
Social work is an academic discipline and profession that concerns itself with individuals, families, groups and communities in an effort to enhance social functioning and overall well-being. Social functioning is the way in which people perform their social rules, and the structural institutions that are provided [by whom?] to sustain them. Social work applies social sciences, such as sociology, psychology, political science, public health, community development, law and economics, to engage with client systems, conducts assessments, and develop interventions to solve social and personal problems; and to bring about social change. Social work practice is often divided into micro work, which involves working directly with individuals or small groups; and macro work, which involves working with communities, and with in social policy fostering change on a larger scale. The research mainly focused on the working condition of the social workers in the society. The main objectives of the study is to know about the job profile of social worker , to understand the obstacles of the profession, to know the work and family matters can be taken together, to know the privileges get from the agency. The descriptive research design was used to understand the problems with 60 samples with a simple random sampling method. By this research study we can understand the work pressure and working environment of the social workers and how they cope with the problems. Social work profession continues to be in a developing phase. This study help to understand the present condition of social work graduate. And also understand the various problems faced the social worker. The aim of the study is to create an understanding of the realities of the working condition of social work.

Keywords: Social work practice, working conditions, structural institutions;