
Advertising is the communication for catching attention of mass to an idea, goods or service through paid announcement by an identified sponsor. Advertising is to reinforce the brand message and to reassure the existing and potential customers about the brand vision. The term 'advertising' is derived from the Latin word 'advertere' which means 'to turn' the attention. Every piece of advertising attempts to turn the attention of the readers or the listeners or the viewer’s towards a product. Currently, children are exposed to all type of advertisement in TV, News Paper, Magazine and Internet. Children are not aware about marketing strategies of advertisers to make them purchase their products. The general objective of this study is to understand influence of advertisement on children in Kunnathunad Taluk. More specifically, the study aim to achieve the following specific objectives: to assess exposure of children to advertisement; to know how advertisement influence food choice of children; to determine whether advertisement affect parent child relationship; to find out influence of advertisement on children purchase decision; to analyse how sexual content in advertisement affect children; to understand how advertisement psychologically affect children. This study is based on the children of age group 10 to 12 in the Kunnathunad Taluk. Simple random sampling was used to determine sample size of 60 respondents. The design of the study is descriptive in nature.

Keywords: Advertisement, Children, Marketing Strategy, Sexual Content, Purchase Decision;